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South Kalimantan Economic Activities: Encouraging Digital and Environmentally Friendly Economic Development

   Technological developments in recent years are increasingly rapid. This makes people increasingly facilitated by the presence of sophisticated technological tools to assist in completing daily work. All fast, easy and instant, internet users in Indonesia continue to increase and as if it has become a primary need, this is evidenced from the results of a survey of Indonesian internet service provider associations, in 2019 there were 64.8 percent or 171.17 million internet users in Indonesia. the soul of the total population (Pratomo, 2019).

   According to them, the biggest contribution to internet penetration in Indonesia comes from Java Island, which is as much as 55 percent of the total. Meanwhile, the largest contribution of internet users on the island of Kalimantan is West Kalimantan province by 2.1 percent, followed by East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan with 1.6 percent and 1.5 percent respectively. From these data it can be seen that internet users especially in South Kalimantan are still low (Pratomo, 2019).

   South Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is located on the island of Kalimantan. Based on data from the central statistics agency, in 2010 the population in South Kalimantan was nearly 3.7 million. The majority of the population's livelihoods in South Kalimantan are agriculture, trade, industry and others (South Kalimantan, 2019).

   In 2012, 38.20 percent of the workforce was absorbed by the agriculture and plantation sectors. The main results of agriculture are rice in addition to corn and sweet potatoes. Furthermore fruits consist of oranges, papaya, bananas, durian, rambutan, kesturi and duku. The majority of plantations are oil palm (South Kalimantan, 2019). Data from the South Kalimantan plantation service shows that oil palm plantations reach 423 thousand hectares, company or private palm oil plantations as much as 74 percent, State Owned Enterprises 5.7 percent, and the remaining nearly 20 percent are community plantations. Nevertheless the development of the oil palm industry has received a lot of opposition from environmental organizations in South Kalimantan. according to the executive director of Indonesia's environmental vehicle, Kisworo, stressed that oil palm expansion actually had more negative impacts on the community. The expansion of oil palm causes deforestation and forest and land degradation, loss of food land such as local food crops typical of gumbili swamps, countries, nutmeg, swamp farming and threatened peat swamp ecosystems (denny, 2019).

   Furthermore, the trade sector, trade became the second largest sector in the absorption of labor in the area dubbed the mangkurat hull earth. Industries in South Kalimantan are dominated by micro and small manufacturing industries, followed by large and medium manufacturing industries. The town of banjarmasin is a trading city and the center of Kalimantan's regional trade activities, in addition to serving wholesale purchases in 13 districts and cities in South Kalimantan as well as for the people of Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. There are several busy trading locations in the city nicknamed one thousand rivers, such as the Sudimampir market, the market ujung murung, market baru and market lima (Zainuddin, 2016).

   Mining in South Kalimantan is dominated by coal in addition to petroleum, gold, diamond, tin, marble and rocks (South Kalimantan, 2019). But according to Antara News online, the South Kalimantan provincial government is trying hard to break away from the mining sector, especially coal, in developing a sustainable and environmentally friendly economy. In addition to damaging the environment due to the drop in coal prices in recent years, these conditions have made the South Kalimantan economy bleak, both real sector and services. These impacts include termination of employment, especially in the mining sector and related companies, the hotel sector, tourist travel, entertainment, as well as loss of many consumers and the lack of sales of luxury goods and jewelery (maskuriah, 2018).

   Furthermore, macroeconomic developments according to Indonesian banks, the economy of South Kalimantan at the beginning of 2019 experienced a slowdown in economic growth stemming from a slowdown in household economic growth and non-construction investment. From the supply side, the slowdown in economic growth was mainly due to the slowdown in the performance of the mining sector and manufacturing industry, on the other hand the building sector and the trade, hotel and restaurant sector grew. Meanwhile, people's purchasing power has decreased which has been influenced by declining income related to weakening economic growth, this condition also has a direct impact on the slowing down of bank credit growth in South Kalimantan.

   Many processed products are typical of South Kalimantan that have the potential to be sold with a wider market in the digital economy era, but due to the lack of technological innovation, the products can only be absorbed in the local market (Arief, 2018). The town of Banjarbaru in the official village has processed herbal products, but because it is only produced traditionally without a touch of technology, the product cannot be widely marketed. The same fate also occurs in banjar district coffee, even though if they are fostered with the help of modern equipment the production and quality of coffee typical of the Banjar Regency can be further improved, if so the price can be sold higher and the welfare of farmers will increase.

   One of the industries that are mostly cultivated by small and medium businesses is the sasirangan fabric industry, Sasirangan is a fabric of the indigenous tribe of Banjar in South Kalimantan. The increasing number of craftsmen and the continued popularity of sasirangan fabrics even out of the region can strengthen the sustainability of the original Banua fabrics. However, there are a number of sasirangan craftsmen who dispose of liquid waste directly into the river without neutralization. One of them is the home industry in the village of Sasirangan in Banjarmasin, which has the potential to cause environmental pollution in the coloring stage using synthetic dyes that contain hazardous chemicals. It is expected that the regional government and related agencies can provide information on environmental pollution and provide facilities to manage the waste, and can use natural materials for the coloring process (Ridho, 2013).

   In the digital age now to buy a product no longer need to go to the market or to the mall, consumers only need to use a smartphone to buy various items they want. Entrepreneurs, especially in South Kalimantan, must be able to utilize online media, this is because the number of Indonesians involved in buying and selling activities through the e-commerce platform continues to increase, even according to the forecast from Bloomberg in 2020 half of Indonesia's population will be involved in e-commerce activities. especially for business people, besides that digital technology is also believed to be able to help absorb employment (Arief, 2018).

   Technological developments are increasingly rapid, making people increasingly facilitated by the presence of sophisticated technological tools to assist in completing daily work. In the digital era now economic activities are expected to be used to simplify and improve the quality of production of business people, especially in South Kalimantan. But the regional government is comfortable with mining, not making South Kalimantan shine but making South Kalimantan blackened due to losses due to declining coal prices on international markets and environmental damage. It will be better Local governments begin to be more serious in encouraging infrastructure development to build industrial estates 4.0 with increasingly high-tech and environmentally friendly content to provide a position of better competitiveness and start encouraging agriculture and plantation sectors without threatening the peat swamp ecosystem and tourism by utilizing digital technology.

kalimantan selatan. (2019, mei 6). Retrieved juni 29, 2019, from wikipedia:
arief. (2018, oktober 28). kalsel tak serius kelola ekonomi digital dan revolusi industri 4.0. Retrieved juni 30, 2019, from KANAL KALIMANTAN:
denny. (2019, februari 20). Kalsel Dorong Pengembangan Industri Kelapa sawit. Retrieved juli 7, 2019, from Media Indonesia:
Indonesia, B. (2019, mei 27). Kajian Ekonomi Regional. Retrieved juni 29, 2019, from Bank Indonesia:
maskuriah, u. (2018, oktober 25). perjuangan kalsel melepaskan diri dari jeratan tambang. Retrieved juni 29, 2019, from antara news:
pratomo, y. (2019, mei 16). APJII: jumlah pengguna internet di indonesia tembus 171 juta jiwa. Retrieved juni 29, 2019, from kompas:
ridho. (2013). telaah hukum terhadap limbah industri kain sasirangan skala kecil (studi aspek yuridis industri rumah tangga kampung sasirangan kelurahan seberang mesjid kota banjarmasin ). electronic theses & dissertations (ETD) gadjah mada university,
zainuddin, h. (2016, april 1). banjarmasin pintu gerbang perekonomian. Retrieved juni 29, 2019, from antara kalsel:

Picture by pixabay


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